Saturday, October 09, 2010

10/9 : Day 5 - Many miles of walking

While the last couple of days seemly set some records when it came to walking, a new record was set today (at least according to Carol). First stop was the Trevi Fountain, i.e. the most photographed fountain in Italy. That involved a ride on the Metro (Rome's subway, on which we have become experts) and a bit of walking. The weekend tourists seemed to have descended on in droves about 9:30 when we arrived.

Next stop was the Pantheon. According to the map it was a reasonably short walk. We managed to make it a much longer excursion by taking several wrong turns, adding a couple of extra miles to the itinerary. As the temple of all the ancient gods built in the first century AD, it is one of Rome's best preserved ancient buildings, one that eventally became a Christian place of worship in the 7th century. After spending a reasonable amount of time there, it was lunch time by Carol's clock.

Next on my itinerary, but not Carol's (because she had never heard of it) was the Piazza Navona. So I left her to pray at the Pantheon while I went to see the Piazza Navona on my own. The Piazza was certainly worth the time both in terms of the fountains (which were as good or better than the Trevi) and surrounding buildings. I returned to the Pantheon less than an hour to find my lovely wife still meditating.

The next stop on the itinerary was the church of Sant' Ignazio si Loyola founder of the Jesuits. The reason for visiting the site was its "illusionistic" ceiling, another one that was not on Carol's must see list. Like finding the Pantheon, it took several misguided turns to finally locate it (more kilometers than Carol's daily exercise called for).

The last stop of the day was to see the Spanish Steps --- more hiking but easy to find --- another place not on Carol's list. The closer we got, the more dense the crowd of people (as if half of Rome had nothing to do on a Saturday afternoon). All in all some of us got to see some really interesting places. See random pictures.