Most of this last day was by spent at the Louvre Museum. Again, a large number of tourists were present all day long. The museum appears to be even larger than the Uffizi in Florence. We did managed to see the Mono Lisa and the Venius De Milo, as well as many rooms from Napoleon's apartment. The Mona Lisa painting is surprisingly small which made it difficult in see because the viewing room is large enough to hold several hundred people, all of whom are pushing closer to get a look. One wing has numerous rooms displaying the personal effects of Napoleon's apartment --- it is not the concept of apartment as we typically think it, it's much closer to a lavish palace. The final stop was the San Chapele Cathedral a few blocks from the Louvre. It is known for its very long stained glass windows that are roughly three stories high, i.e. longer than similar windows in any of the other cathedrals we saw. Needless to say Carol managed to miss (skip) this architectural wonder . . . We ended the day by meeting Anne Marie Ruppert for dinner. Tomorrow it's the big bird back to reality.