Saturday, October 16, 2010

10/15 : Day 11 - Travel to Strasbourg

Left Niederdonven, Luxembourg with Charles and Marie-Paul for Strasbourg, France by way of Metz, France. After traveling for about 60 km we stopped in Metz for lunch and a tour of the Cathedral in Metz. Carol is loving it . . . another stop on the great cathedral tour of Europe! While in Metz we also stopped to see the new Pompidou Museuem which is a very modernistic/futuristic design.

Another 160 km to Strasbourg which is in the eastern region of France near the Swiss border. After checking into the hotel late in the afternoon we walked over to the Cathedral Notre Dame of Strasbourg for an interesting street view as the sun was setting.

About 7:30 we were met by Elizabeth Ruppert, the youngest daughter of Charles & Marie-Paul, who like her sister in Paris is also an MD. The evening ended at a restaurant where we met a friend of Elizabeth's  from the medical center.